Construct a narrow

A narrow is a set of filters for Zulip messages, that can be based on many different factors (like sender, stream, topic, search keywords, etc.). Narrows are used in various places in the the Zulip API (most importantly, in the API for fetching messages).

It is simplest to explain the algorithm for encoding a search as a narrow using a single example. Consider the following search query (written as it would be entered in the Zulip webapp's search box). It filters for messages sent on stream announce, not sent by, and containing the phrase cool sunglasses:

stream:announce cool sunglasses

This query would be JSON-encoded for use in the Zulip API using JSON as a list of simple objects, as follows:

        "operator": "stream",
        "operand": "announce"
        "operator": "sender",
        "operand": "",
        "negated": true
        "operator": "search",
        "operand": "cool sunglasses"

The full set of search/narrowing options supported by the Zulip API is documented in the Zulip Help Center article on search. There are a few additional options, new in Zulip 2.1, that we don't document there because they are primarily useful to API clients:

  • pm-with:1234: Search 1-on-1 messages between you and user ID 1234.
  • sender:1234: Search 1-on-1 messages sent by user ID 1234.
  • stream:1234: Search 1-on-1 messages sent to the stream with ID 123.
  • group-pm-with:1234: Search private messages including the user with ID 1234.

For example, to query messages sent by a user 1234 to stream 123, the correct JSON-encoded query is:

        "operator": "sender",
        "operand": 1234
        "operator": "stream",
        "operand": 123